Interface StubPoolPlugin

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public interface StubPoolPlugin extends org.eclipse.keyple.core.common.KeyplePluginExtension
Simulates a @PoolPluginSpi with StubReader and StubSmartCard. Manages allocation readers by group reference.
  • Method Details

    • plugPoolReader

      void plugPoolReader(String groupReference, String readerName, StubSmartCard card)
      Plug synchronously a new StubReader in the StubPoolPlugin associated to groupReference and a stub card. A READER_CONNECTED event will be raised.
      groupReference - group reference of the new stub reader (mandatory)
      readerName - name of the new stub reader (mandatory). Each reader should have a unique name, no matter to what groupReference they are associated to
      card - insert a card at creation (can be null)
    • unplugPoolReaders

      void unplugPoolReaders(String groupReference)
      Unplug synchronously all readers associated to a groupReference. A READER_DISCONNECTED event will be raised.
      groupReference - groupReference of the reader(s) to be unplugged (mandatory) @since 2.0.0
    • unplugPoolReader

      void unplugPoolReader(String readerName)
      Unplug synchronously a pool reader. A READER_DISCONNECTED event will be raised.
      readerName - name of the reader to be unplugged (mandatory) @since 2.0.0